Tisane per la salute

Size: 20 Kg. each


for industrial use

Instant coffee

Normal, decaffeinated, concentrated or agglomerated.

Instant coffee

Freeze-dried coffee

Normal, "Oil coated" or containing 15% of micro-minced toasted coffee.

Freeze-dried coffee

Coffee paste


Coffee paste

Green coffee

Minced or soluble 

Green coffee

Concentrated coffee

Frozen liquid or aseptic liquid.

Concentrated coffee

Toasted coffee

Minced or whole beans

Toasted coffee

Coffee is the balm of the heart and spirit.

Giuseppe Verdi

To start the day I choose a coffee, to continue it a smile.

Stephen Littleword

About us

A little of our company history

  • Chi siamo immagine

Comintrade was established more than a quarter of century ago: on April 17th, 1987.

Could appear eretic talking of Instant Coffee in the Native Land of: Espresso, Moka, Caffè Napoletano, Coffee & milk, with a drop of milk (hot or cold), in glass, Long, Iced, Shacked, Ristretto, with a little milk foam of the top, added with alcool, and so on.

Don't worry: Instant Coffee is not at all - and don't want to be - a real alternative choice to all of this.

Anyway: any time You taste and enjoy a yogurt coffee, an ice coffee, a typical Tiramisú, a Coffee & Ginseng (typical new Italian hot drink), a coffee chocolate: for the 90% have been used Instant coffee, and for the 20% - at this moment - have been imported and supplied by Comintrade.

Our company import Instant coffee from different Countries: Brazil, Colombia, Paraguay, India, Egypt and Tanzania, but China, Malesia and Vietnam too.

After a century quarter we can state that on Instant coffee we have a reasonable knowledgement and competence: fruit of continuous update and studies on each "breaking news" of our producer.

It's true: Comintrade is a "one product" company, but on this product we know quite everything what it needs to know.

We are a flexible, competent, promptly, precise and competitive Company.

What today it is not available could it be tomorrow: present us Your project and we will try to make it real together.

Contact us

We're open from Monday to Friday

Keep intouch with us

You can use the following information to contact us if you wanna join us or anything need to communicate.

Comintrade srl
Via Avati 41, 40054 Budrio (BO)
Tel: 051 - 692 6003 Fax: 051 - 692 0334
Email: info@comintrade.it